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INFLUENCES and inspirations

George, artist on the quayside, Brixham, 1960s


Childhood holidays in Brixham, Devon. He was usually painting by the harbour.  My first contact with an artist. From then on all I wanted to do was paint and sell pictures on a quayside.

Peter Shackleton oil painting, cottage.

Peter Shackleton. My art teacher at secondary school.

David Archer collage. Poet,artist.

David Archer.

Artist and poet.

Shared life from teens to early thirties.


Water Street Gallery, Todmorden



Seduced by the visual spectacle. Sharp lines, lights and vague smudges. Figures in deep surreal space.



For painting many versions of the same subject.

Helped to free me up from trying to perfect one painting.

It was also liberating to see how rough and lumpy they were.


Copy of John%20Piper,%20'Sandringham%20House',%201

John Piper.

For his use of mixed media.

Again, liberating.



For fully living and painting till the age of 91.

Cliff Singleton ink and wash painting
Nev Davies painting

Neville Davies

My life partner.


So throwaway .

A true naiive original.

Click to see more

Cliff Singleton






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